We’re excited about our next panel event Getting Past the Gatekeepers – Passwords for Angel Finance taking place on the evening of Thursday 14 September 2017 in Edinburgh.
What do you do? Why should I care? Why would I invest in YOU? These are the three questions that should be foremost in your mind when you plan your pitch to Angel investors. Around 80% of pitches that get past the gatekeepers will get investment. In this panel event we invite gatekeepers of Angel Finance to tell you directly what they are looking for when they review a business application so that you can make it to the next level.
Speakers are Jackie Waring from Investing Women and AccelerateHer, Laura Peachey from MBM Commercial, Vicky Brock from Clear Returns, and Lynzi Leroy from E-VR‘s VR Incubator.
Refreshments of wine/soft drinks and nibbles are provided, and the event is FREE to attend. Entry is by pre-registration on Eventbrite only so please make sure you register.