Girl Geek Scotland hosted a series of workshops to complement our Speaker Series 2010 on ‘Creativity, Computing and Entrepreneurialism’. The workshops, which were aimed at women who are thinking about starting, or have recently started, a Scottish business, will work around themes that will target what we believe are existing weaknesses in female business culture, namely: Negotiation, Funding Strategies, and Creativity in Business.
The workshops took place in the beautiful city of Stirling in Autumn. They were aimed at women with an interest in technology – background was less important than enthusiasm – and a desire to follow a tech/creative project through. A diverse range of people attended, from crafts practitioners to programmers to hardware developers to geneticists. A common theme united them: the desire to build a business that could help or provide a service to, and to become financially independent. Each of our participants brought an idea or exisiting project with them. Through the use of skills and techniques introduced throughout each workshop these ideas had the potential to grow and develop into viable businesses.
These events were fully funded by Informatics Ventures based at the University of Edinburgh, and all costs for those meeting the funding criteria were met.
* Free if they met the criteria as detailed in the call for participation
With additional support from the Instititute for Capitalising on Creativity