Our most recent event (a special summer double event) “Conversations with Silicon Valley” and the “Summer Start-Up Party” held on 30 August 2013 was a rip-roaring and terrific success. We had a great night, and we hope everyone else did too.
We’d like to give special thanks to:
- our terrific and thoroughly inspiring panel guests from Silicon Valley: Heidi Roizen, Ann Winblad, Wendy Lea, and Karen White
- our extremely capable panel chair: Suzanne Doyle-Morris
- our wonderful event sponsor and friend of GGS: Scotland IS
- our sound engineer for the evening: Dorothy Le Grove (NLP Coach)
- our fabulous venue sponsor: Summerhall, Edinburgh
- and very importantly, all the wonderful girl and boy geeks who came along to really make the event an incredible evening
We always welcome feedback and will be shortly sending out a short and sweet survey to those who attended.
SPECIAL NOTE: We acknowledge there were some avoidable and unavoidable issues with the time and quality of the catered dinner. We apologise for any disappointment there. There was an oven breakdown in the kitchen as dinner was being prepared. But we also have feedback for the caterer on the design and quality of the courses on the menu.